Voting on the Collective Agreement with the NPA centre

Efling union and the NPA centre have signed a new collective agreement regarding the work of assistants of disabled people in NPA.

The collective agreement specifies the same salary increases as in Efling’s collective agreement with SA, as this agreement is modelled on Efling’s collective agreement with SA.

We would like to point out that the agreement does not specifically talk about an increase to vacation time and other things that were achieved in the collective agreement of Efling and SA. This is because this collective agreement follows the collective agreement of Efling and SA regarding all issues which are not specifically stated in the contract.

Here below the newly signed collective agreements between Efling and NPA can be seen:

Voting on the collective agreement has started and will last until 12 noon on Monday May 20.

All Efling members who work under the before mentioned contract in the contract area of Efling have the right to vote. If a member is not on the voting registry but feels they should be on it, they should send an email to with their last payslip/job contract attached. If the contract is approved, it will be valid from February 1, 2024 to February 1, 2028.