Excellent result of Efling in the Company of the Year survey

The Efling Union office was among the workplaces participating in the workplace survey Company of the Year 2024, which Gallup conducts annually. Suffice it to say that Efling’s rating increased from last year in almost all the factors measured in the survey. The overall rating of Efling as a workplace has increased significantly since last year, and the overall rating of the workplace is higher than that of similar workplaces.

The survey is a question survey among the staff, and grades are given on a scale of 1-5 for each question. Answers are weighed together and a total score is given for nine aspects of the workplace operations.

Efling’s rating increases in all aspects between years except one. There is the factor of working conditions, but as is known, the organization of the Eflinger establishment has come of age, since it was put into use in 2000. However, this will be remedied already this year, as the establishment has been redesigned and construction preparations are underway. It is expected that these works will be completed in the first half of 2025, and then it can be assumed that the working conditions at Efling’s office will have become a great example.

When looking at the factors that are measured, Eflinger’s rating rose the most between years when the question was asked about Eflinger’s image, by a total of 0.57 points. Satisfaction with management at the workplace also increased significantly, by a whopping 0.45 points between years. Furthermore, satisfaction and pride in the workplace increased by 0.37 points between years.

Efling’s office scores the highest when asked about equality, and receives a total score of 4.62 on the scale, a slight increase from last year. The overall rating of the workplace is 4.33 and increases by 0.23 points between years.

When looking at the comparison with other workplaces in the aspects measured by the survey, it becomes clear that Efling scores higher than both workplaces of a similar size, as well as all the workplaces that participated, in six aspects out of nine, and are on par in the seventh. In some cases, the score is significantly higher, such as in the section where equality in the workplace is measured.

The survey also asked if the staff considered Efling a family-friendly workplace, and the result was very satisfying. Efling’s rating is higher than similar workplaces in all questions and higher or on par with all workplaces.