Food and Culture – Join In!

Would you like to prepare delicious food from your country of origin and let other Efling members have a try in fantastic company?

Efling invites interested members to join in the recreational event Food and Culture, which is planned to be held on Sunday September 29. During the event, Efling members will offer food from their home country. There are many to choose from because Efling members come from 144 different countries of origin!

The food will be on offer without payment and admission to the event is free for Efling members.

Information for those wishing to bring food:

  • The union pays for cost of materials, invoice being submitted.
  • Efling provides plates, cutlery, napkins, and drinks.
  • Please register using the form below.
  • You will receive further info via email once it gets closer to the event.
  • Registration is open until noon on September 25.

The house will open for guests at 2pm, and the event will go on until 4 pm. The time is Sunday September 29 and the location is the Efling Community Center, 4th floor of Guðrúnartún 1.

Matur og menning 2024 – skráning fyrir þá sem koma með mat :: Food and Culture 2024 – registration for those bringing food

Matur og menning 2024 – skráning fyrir þá sem koma með mat :: Food and Culture 2024 – registration for those bringing food

Skráið umbeðnar upplýsingar í reitina hér fyrir neðan til skrá ykkur í að koma með mat á Mat og menningu 29. september. Þið skilið svo kvittun annað hvort á viðburðinum eða á og það verður endurgreitt eftir viðburðinn inn á reikningsnúmerið sem þið gáfuð upp hér. Hafið samband á ef spurningar eru!
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Please provide the requested information in the fields below to register for bringing food to Food and Culture on September 29. You will then turn in your receipt either at the event or to and payment will be made after the event to the bank account you provided here. Be in touch via if you have questions!

Name:: Imię
Name:: Imię
Fornafn :: First name
Eftirnafn :: Last name
Efling endurgreiðir hráefniskostnað inn á þennan reikning þegar þú hefur skilað kvittun. :: Efling will repay your materials cost to this bank account when you have handed in a receipt. :: Efling zwróci koszty produktów na to konto, po przedstawieniu paragonu.
Staðfestu netfang :: Confirm email address :: Powtórz Adres email
Þarf ekki að vera nákvæm tala! :: Does not need to be an exact number! Nie trzeba podawać dokładnej liczby!
Veldu borðbúnað sem þarf með matnum (Efling útvegar) :: Pick the items needed to serve the food (provided by Efling) :: Wybierz rzeczy, których potrzebujesz do podania potrawy (zapewnianych przez Efling)
Ég samþykki að Efling-stéttarfélag vinni þær upplýsingar sem ég sendi félaginu með eyðublaði þessu í samræmi við persónuverndarstefnu félagsins. :: I consent that Efling Union process the information I send using this form in accordance with the union’s privacy policy.