22. Nov Kl — 16:45

Joint meeting of cleaners

— Atburður liðinn — 22. Nov 2023

Efling invites cleaners in the union to a meeting about work conditions in the cleaning industry and ways to improve them. There will also be a presentation on the main tasks of union representatives and how they are chosen.

The meeting will be on Wednesday November 22 at 4:45pm in the Efling Community Center, 4th floor of Guðrúnartún 1, 105 Reykjavík.

The union has contacted all the larger cleaning companies and they have all agreed to help advertise the meeting and permit Efling members to attend the meeting without salary loss should they be working at the time of the meeting.

The meeting will be in English and it will be tried to offer spoken interpretation to other languages. There will be snacks, drinks and coffee on offer. The house opens at 4:30pm.

Members are asked to confirm their attendance using the form below.

Joint meeting of cleaners Nov 22 – confirmation of attendance

Wspólne spotkanie pracowników z branży sprzątającej 22 listopada – potwierdzenie obecności.

Joint meeting of cleaners Nov 22 – confirmation of attendance

Wspólne spotkanie pracowników z branży sprzątającej 22 listopada – potwierdzenie obecności.

Please fill in your information to confirm attendance to the meeting of cleaners in Efling Union Community Center on November 22 2023 at 4:45pm.

Prosimy o wpisanie swoich danych w celu potwierdzenia obecności na spotkaniu osób sprzątających w Centrum Konferencyjnym Eflingu 22 listopada 2023 r. o godz. 16:45.

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