Info on union representative courses.
According to the collective agreement every workplace with 5 or more members of Efling shall have a union representative. Union reps perform a very important function in Efling and it is a top priority to increase their number, and also to educate, train and support them.
The role of a union representative
The union rep is the link between Efling members in the workplace and their union. It is their task to ensure that the law and the collective agreements are honoured, and to assist their coworkers with handling rights issues when applicable. The union rep shares information from the union to their coworkers, and informs the union about the state of affairs in their workplace as needed.
Union representative is elected
In each workplace employees elect a union representative to a 2-year term. (If there is only one candidate, they are self-elected.) After the union confirms the appointment, the union representative and his/her employer receives a written confirmation and the union representative begins attending the union representative courses.
Is there no union representative in your workplace?
If there is no union representative in your workplace and you would like to volunteer or organise an election, please contact the office by phone 510 7500, or send an email to felagsmal@efling.is in order to get assistance with the election process. The office is happy to assist with the elections.
Here you can get a template for a call for union reps to hang up in the workplace or share with your coworkers.
If there are 5-49 Efling members in the workplace the collective agreement permits the election of 1 union representative.
If there are 50-119 Efling members in the workplace the collective agreement permits the election of 2 union representatives.
If there are 120 or more Efling members in the workplace the collective agreement permits the election of 3 union representatives.
After the election of a union representative the following form must be filled out and turned in to Efling – Declaration of a union representative.
Union representatives have legal protection
It is not permitted to terminate a union representative due to the role he takes in the union. The role ensures that the union representative is the last person to terminate in case of lay-offs.
Union representatives shall attend courses during their term and the employer must make this possible without any cut to salary.
The union representative course aims to improve the skills and knowledge of union representatives.
The courses focus on the following:
- Better understanding the collective agreements
- Ability to read payslips
- The ins and outs of the collective struggle and bargaining
- The role, history and services of unions
- The law and workers’ rights on the labour market
The courses also teach various other skills that make union reps more ready to attend their role.
More info on union representative courses.
Regulation about the appointment and role of union representatives
The union issues a regulation which describes the rules and expectations surrounding the appointment and duties of union reps. It is based on Icelandic law, collective agreements and the bylaws of Efling. Read the regulation in PDF form here.