05. Mar Kl — 16:30

Teams Online Meetings on Strike Preparations 

— Atburður liðinn — 5. Mar 2024

Efling Union is hosting online meetings about strike preparation for members in the cleaning industry. Members can attend a meeting either at 4:30pm or 8pm, depending on what suits them. 

The topic of the meetings is explaining the ongoing strike voting and to answer the most commonly asked questions about strike actions. 

Sólveig Anna Jónsdóttir, chairman of Efling, will chair the meetings. 

Date: Tuesday March 5 

Time: 4:30pm-5:15pm and 8pm-8:45pm 

Members are encouraged to send any questions they would like answered in the meeting to the email address felagsmal@efling.is

The meeting will be in English. 

To get access to the meeting, it is necessary to register using the form below, and a link will then be sent to the email address provided. 

Please note! The meetings have been postponed.