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The Efling reception will be reopened on Thursday, June 4

29. 05, 2020 — News

The phone and email service has proven successful during the weeks where the office was closed, …


Efling and Reykjavík Energy sign a collective agreement

28. 05, 2020 — News

The negotiating committee of Efling and Reykjavík Energy (Orkuveita Reykjavíkur) signed a collective agreement today which …


Collective agreement between Efling and SÍS approved by the union’s members

25. 05, 2020 — News

The members of Efling employed by Kópavogur, Seltjarnarnes, Mosfellsbær, Hveragerði and Ölfus have voted on a …


A new board under the leadership of Sólveig Anna takes over

22. 05, 2020 — News

A new board under the leadership of Sólveig Anna Jónsdóttir took over the helm of Efling …


Online voting on the new collective agreement with SÍS

13. 05, 2020 — News

Online voting on the collective agreement between Efling and Samband íslenskra sveitarfélaga – SÍS begins at noon …


Efling celebrates long awaited victory in struggle with municipalities

11. 05, 2020 — News

The negotiations committee of Efling tonight signed a collective contract with the Icelandic Association of Local …


The central committee supports the strike of Efling

8. 05, 2020 — News

The central committee of The Icelandic Confederation of Labour (Alþýðusambands Íslands – ASÍ) declares its full …


The Icelandic Association of Local Authorities refuses to negotiate a collective agreement with Efling

7. 05, 2020 — News

The Icelandic Association of Local Authorities still refuses to negotiate a collective agreement with Efling comparable …


The pandemic has a devastating effect on the union’s members

7. 05, 2020 — News

Almost half of the members of Efling in the private sector have gone through having their …


Solidarity rally of Efling members who went on strike at noon today

7. 05, 2020 — News

The fighting spirit of Efling members in the coverage area of Efling in Kópavogur, Seltjarnarnes, Mosfellsbær, …


Regulations regarding doctor’s notes

5. 05, 2020 — News

We would like to note that the regulations of the sickness fund of Efling regarding how …


Know your rights – Mass layoffs

30. 04, 2020 — News

Considering the current situation on the labour market, we want to remind you that the labour …
