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The office will be closed because of strike operation 8th of March

The office will be closed because of strike operation 8th of March

7. 03, 2019 — News

Candidates wanted for the representative council of Gildi – pension fund

7. 03, 2019 — News

Efling – union calls for candidates to be nominated for the representative council of Gildi – …


Efling calls a general meeting

7. 03, 2019 — News

Efling – union calls a general meeting on March 13th where the agenda will include preparation …

Women’s march and program March 8 in Gamla bíó

Women’s march and program March 8 in Gamla bíó

4. 03, 2019 — News
8th March Strike accepted

8th March Strike accepted

4. 03, 2019 — News

On strikes in hotels and bus companies

3. 03, 2019 — News

Three sets of strikes have now been voted on: Firstly among workers in hotels, secondly among bus …


Call to a vote

1. 03, 2019 — News

The negotiation committee of Efling agreed at its meeting yesterday, February 28, to call for a …


The cases of Menn í vinnu workers now in the hands of a legal office

28. 02, 2019 — News

Efling has tasked the lawyer Ragnar Aðalsteinsson with protecting the interests of 18 workers at the …


The eroding credibility of SA

28. 02, 2019 — News

Efling declares its surprise and disappointment over misleading statements from the SA business association regarding the wage …


Office opening time on monday

27. 02, 2019 — News

On Monday 4th of March the office will open at 10:30 due to a staff meeting.Sorry …

March 8 Strike Plan: What you need to know

March 8 Strike Plan: What you need to know

22. 02, 2019 — News

A vote on work stoppage

21. 02, 2019 — News

The meeting of Efling’s negotiations committee on the 21st February decided to go forward with a …
