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Negotiations cut off – preparations for strike begin

Negotiations cut off – preparations for strike begin

21. 02, 2019 — News

Efling union member acquitted

21. 02, 2019 — News

Last week a verdict was rendered in the case of Icelandic company International Motor Insurance’s(ABI) case …


The People of Efling nominated to the Icelandic Web Awards

20. 02, 2019 — News

The People of Efling,, has been nominated to the Icelandic Web Awards.The project, created by …


Statement on the government’s input on February 19

19. 02, 2019 — News

The four unions which have led the current wage negotiations, VR, Efling, VLFA and VLFGrv, declare …


Nearly 80% of Efling members support going on strike

18. 02, 2019 — News

In a new poll of Efling members, produced by Gallup, strong support for the union’s demands …


Regarding DV reporting on Menn í Vinnu

17. 02, 2019 — News

Yesterday, the newspaper DV published a report on people who have worked at the temp agency …


Lectures: Union organizers from Tozen

14. 02, 2019 — News

Organizing immigrants in Japan Efling’s Organizing Division invites you to a talk by three union organizers …


Office closing time monday and friday

13. 02, 2019 — News

On Friday 15th of February the office will close at 15:00 due to a staff meeting.On …

Calling all Reykjavik City Workers!

Calling all Reykjavik City Workers!

11. 02, 2019 — News

Women Take the Lead

11. 02, 2019 — News

Do you want to make a difference in society and take part in the labour struggle?Women …


First aid course

11. 02, 2019 — News

First aid course – free of charge for members of EflingEnglishWhen: Tuesday 19th  and Thursday 21st …


A fair tax load – how the great tax transfer can be reversed without weakening the welfare system

7. 02, 2019 — News

Stefán Ólafsson and Indriði H. Þorláksson presented this morning their new report, A fair tax load …
