05. Oct Kl — 16:45

Joint Meeting for Workers at Security Companies

— Atburður liðinn — 5. Oct 2023

Simultaneously with the call for union representatives there will be a joint meeting for all Efling members at security companies. The meeting will be held on Thursday October 5 at 4:45pm in the Efling Community Centre, on the 4th floor in Guðrúnartún 1. The agenda is the following:

  1. The wages and employment terms of security guards.
  2. The upcoming collective bargaining with SA.*
  3. The role of union reps and how union reps are appointed.
  4. Other issues.

Sólveig Anna Jónsdóttir, chairman of Efling, will conduct the meeting.

Light refreshments and drinks will be offered. Onscreen text interpretation between Icelandic and English will be provided.

*Efling – Union is currently looking for union representatives at security companies. More information about the upcoming union rep election can be found here: Call for Union Representatives and Meeting for Workers at Security Companies

Registration for the joint meeting of workers at security companies

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