Call for Union Representatives and Meeting for Workers at Security Companies

Update 6.10.23:

Since candidates were not found for most of the positions of union reps at the security companies, it has been decided to extend the deadline for nominations for 6 weeks and to postpone the previously advertised votes.

The new dates are:

  • Deadline for nominating oneself or another: November 17
  • Vote opens: November 20
  • Vote ends: November 24

An email with this information will be sent to members at the security companies who have registered email addresses.

Call for Union Representatives

Efling – Union calls for union representatives at security companies. Union reps are needed at the following companies: *

  • Securitas hf. 
  • Öryggismiðstöð Íslands hf. (Öryggismiðstöðin) 
  • 115 Security ehf.  

A union rep is the representative of Efling members in the workplace and is also the link between the workers and the union. The union rep has legal protection and the right to perform his tasks and to attend training courses for this role during working hours. Efling offers thorough courses for union reps which are taught every month during the winter.

Efling members at these companies are encouraged to seek information on the Efling webpage about the role and tasks of union reps, and to contact the department of education and membership affairs by email,, if there are any questions.

All Efling members working for these companies can put themselves forward for the role of union representative. The deadline for announcing that that you seek to be a union rep is at 10am on Friday October 6 November 17 and it can be done by sending an email to It is permitted to nominate someone else than yourself, but that person needs to accept to run for union rep.

An online election between those who put themselves forward will begin at 2pm on Friday October 6 Monday November 20 and it will end at 12 noon on Tuesday October 10 Friday November 24.

Joint Meeting for Workers at Security Companies

Simultaneously with the call for union representatives there will be a joint meeting for all Efling members at security companies. The meeting will be held on Thursday October 5 at 4:45pm in the Efling Community Centre, on the 4th floor in Guðrúnartún 1. The agenda is the following:

  1. The wages and employment terms of security guards.
  2. The upcoming collective bargaining with SA.
  3. The role of union reps and how union reps are appointed.
  4. Other issues.

Sólveig Anna Jónsdóttir, chairman of Efling, will conduct the meeting.

Light refreshments and drinks will be offered. Onscreen text interpretation between Icelandic and English will be provided.

We kindly ask those who plan to attend the meeting to register here.

*This advertisment is also valid for other security companies not listed here.