05. Sep Kl — 00:00

Social Assistance Portal Autumn 2024

— Mímir, Höfðabakka 9 — 5. Sep 2024

Period: September 5th 2024 to June 10th 2025
Deadline for applications: August 12

The social assistants’ portal is meant for care workers, for instance in senior homes, in home services or in home help.

The goal of the course of study is to increase the knowledge, skills and professional competence of those who care for individuals who need assistance or specialized service for their activities in daily life. The area of work of social assistants spans the spectrum of social rehabilitation and activity assistance for those who, by reason of social circumstances, illness, old age, developmental disorders, or various kinds of trauma, are in need of special assistance.

About the social assistance portal

The social assistance portal is for people who have reached 22 years of age and have at least three years of work experience doing care work.  Students also need to have finished approximately 190 hours of work related courses, for example the Vocational Courses I and II for care workers. Also, course credits from secondary schools are evaluated if the courses are the same or comparable to those who are taught on the portal course.

At Mímir students will finish 4 of 6 semesters, but to graduate as a “félagsliði”, students must take the last 2 semesters in a secondary school. The courses at Mímir are the ecquivalent of 86 secondary school credits.

Structure of the Course

The teaching is a mix of on-site and distance learning. Each course is taught for 4 weeks. At the beginning and end of each course there is mandatory attendance to class on an afternoon of a weekday. In between the teaching takes place online. Students listen to lectures at home, participate in discussions online and do assignments. In between the on-site classes there will be workshops in Teams where the students meet the teacher.

The courses takes place at Mímir, Höfðabakki 9. See on map.

The teaching language is Icelandic.

Apply now!

The courses are intended for Efling members who are care workers. The Efling vocational funds pay the tuition in full for members who work for the public sector employers. Applications are accepted through the website of Mímir and Mímir staff can answer questions about the applications process: https://www.mimir.is/is/nam/namsbrautir/felagslidagatt

Efling members add the code efling15 with their application and click on “Add payment code to application”.

By using the code the member agrees that Mímir and Efling exchange information to confirm dues payments of the member in the relevant vocational fund. This information is exchanged in a secure way in accordance with the privacy policies of Efling and Mímir.