Book an appointment with the Labour Rights Division

Efling’s Labour Rights Division assists members with matters related to their rights. To book an appointment with a representative of the Labour Rights Division, email

It is important to collect data to process cases at Efling’s Labour Rights Division.

The data should be sent to the email address:

Below are links to instructions on how to obtain the data the Labour Rights Division needs to assess your case:

1. Mandate and informed consent

  • By signing this document the union member agrees that Efling will accept personal data about him or her that may contain general and sensitive personal data, process the data and information, communicate the data to third parties, store the data electronically and traditionally in the union’s filing system, process the data as necessary and delete them after use.
  • The member confirms that his/her account information in My Pages (Mínar síður) are correct and up to date.
  • The member authorizes Efling to collect information about the member, from a third party if deemed necessary while working on the member’s case.
  • You can download the document below.

2. Information sheet

It is important to fill out this document so the processing of the case goes faster. You can download the document below.

3. Employment contract

  • If there is no employment contract, this must be stated in the email.

4. Payslips – The last 6 months

  • Payslips can be obtained from the employer or electronically via internet banking.
  • If there are no pay slips, this must be stated in the email.

5. Bank statements – Payments from the employer

A bank statement of salary payments from the employer can be obtained from your bank.

Instructions for:

6. The withholding register – RSK

Instructions for downloading the withholding register

7. Time registrations

  • Records of all hours worked with the employer. Example: Saturday, February 10: 8:00 – 16:00
  • If time registrations with the employer are through Tímon, it is best to go to your user access there and download the time report as an Excel document.
  • If time registrations do not take place in Tímon, we recommend filling in this Excel document below with the time registrations, to speed up the processing of the case.

8. Communications with the employer

  • It is a good idea to compile all written communications with the employer, arrange them in chronological order and save them in one document.
  • e.g. Screenshot of electronic communication.

9. Letter of termination

  • Termination must always be in writing (letter, e-mail or social media).
  • If there is no letter of resignation, it must be stated.

10. Certificate from a doctor

  • Applies only in case of illness, work accident or occupational disease.

11. Confirmation from the Icelandic Health Insurance

Applies only in the case of an occupational accident. Confirmation from Sjúkratryggingar Íslands that the accident has been reported must be submitted. More information can be found here.