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Changes in opening hours in Efling´s office in Guðrúnartún
From February 1st Efling‘s opening hours will change in Guðrúnartún 1. The change in hours is …
Nominations for Efling board members
The office will open at 10:00 on Friday, January 13th
Care Workers – Vocational Courses I and II start in January
Efling Makes a Final Attempt at Reaching an Agreement With SA
Contract must reflect housing costs and conditions of workers
Preschool assistant bridge program – starts 28th January 2023 at Mímir
Opening of the Office in Hveragerði on Wednesday January 4th
Efling negotiations committee proposes 57-65,000kr raises to SA
The list for the Delegate Council is available to view in the office of the union
The list of the delegate council and nomination committee for the delegate council of Efling, with …