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Efling-SSSK collective agreement accepted
The collective agreement between Efling and the association of independent schools, SSSK, was accepted in a …
Are we sleeping enough?
The next Drop-inn will be streamed at November 12 at 10am but Erla Björnsdóttir, psychologist, will …
The power of pension fund members in the Icelandic pension system at the next Efling’s Delegate Council meeting
At the next Efling´s Delegate council meeting, that will be held November 12, Kristinn Már Ársælsson …
Applications for Equity loans are now open.
Applications for so-called Equity loans are now open.An Equity loan is a new solution for low-income …
Want to start your own business?
The next Drop-inn will be streamed at November 5 at 10am but Sigurður Steingrímsson, project manager …
Summer house bookings for 2021 open on November 2 at 8:15am
On Monday, November 2, summer house bookings for the remainder of the winter period (January 5 …
Call for nominations to the Efling council of delegates (trúnaðarráð)
Efling calls for nominations to the union’s council of delegates for the 2021-2022 term.All full members …
Volunteer work with the Red Cross at the next Drop-INN
Volunteer work with the Red Cross is the topic of discussion at the next Drop-INN. Brynhildur …
Total victory in a long dispute over the wages of staff at privately run schools
Efling summer houses and Covid 19
Efling encourages its members to heed public safety guidance and limit cross-regional travel, in light of …
Criminal Activity – A Benefit for Employers?
Sólveig Anna Jónsdóttir, Chairman of Efling, discusses the Confederation of Icelandic Employers‘ (SA) opposition to eradicating …
Collective agreement between Efling and Sorpa accepted
The collective agreement between Efling and Sorpa has been accepted in a membership ballot. The online …